Forest Life: Happy Garden Cheats: 7 Best Tips for Cook, Animals, Strategy Guide and Tricks

Posted by GOG On 2:03:00 AM 0 comments

Forest Life: Happy Garden Tip #1: How to build the building.
Tap the shop.
Let's buy a favorite building!
Light blue is a possible installation color.
Red is a color of the impossible.

Forest Life: Happy Garden Tip #2: Crop.
Sow the seeds in the crop to choose the vegetables that grow.
Time to grow by vegetables is different.
Touching the crop when you grew up.
Vegetables is to cook the material.

Forest Life: Happy Garden Tip #3: Tree.
Tree fruit is wide automatically!
Trying to harvest the fruit that are regularly on the tree!
Fruit is cooking of the material.

Forest Life: Happy Garden Tip #4: Installation upper limit.
Installation upper limit at the user level up.
It is displayed in the shop and storage box.
It will raise the user level!

Forest Life: Happy Garden Tip #5: Cooking machine.
Try to select a favorite recipe.
Different is the material required for each recipe.
Puzzle stage progression or shop to learn a new cuisine.

Forest Life: Happy Garden Tip #6: Animal.
Animals are out by the icon of the fox!
Trying to get the animals in the star acquired in the puzzle.
There is an upper limit to put out the animals in the Garden!
Method of upper limit Up is puzzle stage progression or plus button.

Forest Life: Happy Garden Tip #7: Cooking.
Tap entered the storage box cooking.
Eat is close to the animals and put in the garden.
By raising the food, go up the love of animals!
Animals there is a favorite each cuisine.

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