Gramfantasia Genesis Cheats: 3 Best Tips for Battles, Strategy Guide and Tricks

Posted by GOG On 8:18:00 PM 0 comments

Gramfantasia Genesis by Gravity for Android/iOS (iPhone/iPad).

Gramfantasia Genesis Tip #1: Battles.
When you encounter an enemy, basic attacks will be automatically activated.
In an emergency situation, you can change the party leader.
You can take advantage of new Hero signings. They can be used in your party for upcoming battles.
Eliminate enemies by using skills, defense and companion skill.
You can change targets by swiping from side to side.
You can see your targeted enemies by looking at the mark at the bottom of the unit.
High ranked characters will use a powerful skill when they show up.
For more powerful enemies, equipping new and better gears is required.

Gramfantasia Genesis Tip #2: Boss Battles.
The boss will indicate it will use a powerful skill by showing a symbol on it's body.
When a boss will use powerful skill, an exclamation mark will show.
When the exclamation mark shows, you should activate your defend skill at the right time by tapping your perfect defense skill button.
A yellow exclamation mark is a warning. This mark means it's about to use a powerful skill.
As soon as a Red exclamation mark shows, Tap the defense button right away.
If you succeed in a perfect defense, enemies will be weakened and you won't take any damage.

Gramfantasia Genesis Tip #3: Attribution Affinity.
Fire > Nature > Water > Fire Attribution.
Increasing 20% damage for the Attribution advantage.
Decreasing 20% (easy difficulty) damage for the Attribution disadvantage.
Easy 20%, Normal 40% and Hard 60% for the elemental disadvantage.
Physical and Soul attribution will be applied damage increasing only!.

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