Class Society Cheats: 3 Best Tips for Fast Money, Strategy Guide and Tricks

Posted by GOG On 8:57:00 AM 0 comments

Class Society for Android/iOS (iPhone/iPad).

Class Society Tip #1: Gameplay.
A Filthy Society that your status is decided depending on the hierarchy.
Reward is given when you finish your work.
Given money is obtained automatically when time goes by but you can obtain faster by touching it.
You can't earn more money if the money is full.
You can save more money if you strengthen your safe. Upgrade your safe.
You can strengthen your work ability with your money. Hire the irregular workers.
You can go to the upper class by accumulating wealth with more money.
You can learn skills with study points that you obtain by level up.
Purchase equipment for faster advancement on your equipment.
Obtain an assistant and a buff that will help you with your game in stores!

Class Society Tip #2: Watch Ads.
Free buff after watching advertisement.
Gorgeous Movement = 50% of work speed increases.
Honesty Nature = 50% of money obtained with ability increases.
Lucky Day = 10% of critical possibility increases.

Class Society Tip #3: Strength.
Strengthening Safe Capacity will save a maximum of X amount.
Strengthening the Work Ability will earn X amount at once.
Strengthening the Work Speed will increase money producing speed in X percentage.
Strengthening the Personality will increase treasure box obtain possibility in X percentage.
Strengthening the Welfare will increase critical possibility in X percentage.
Strengthening Flattering will fever time possibility in X percentage.
Strengthening Irregulars will hire one irregular worker.

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