Totem Story Farm Cheats: 6 Best Tips for Farming, Strategy Guide and Tricks

Posted by GOG On 6:44:00 AM 0 comments

Totem Story Farm for Android/iOS (iPhone/iPad).

Totem Story Farm Tip #1: Farm Visitors & Staffs.
To get more visitors. you'll need to raise the overall Appeal of your farm.
To do that, install more Facilities and make use of combos.

The staff live in lodges and take care of your Fields and Ranches within their move range.
Give them equipment to improve their stats and have them do even more excellent work on your farm.
Certain items enhance staffs ability growth around them.

Totem Story Farm Tip #2: Staff Abilities.
Know-How: Affects the amount of experience points Fields and Livestock receive when staff takes care of them.
Zeal: Affects the bonus after taking care of a Field Livestock.
Stamina: The higher the Stamina, the longer your staff can work without a break.
Florist: Specializes in Flowers.
Farmer: Specializes in Fruit and Veggies.
Rancher: Specializes in Livestock.
Odd-jobber: No specialization.
Staff tend to prioritize the type of work they specialize in.

Totem Story Farm Tip #3: Visitors Abilities.
Visitors‘ stats can be raised whenever their Satisfaction rating levels up.
Photo Skills: Takes more photos at once.
Walk Speed: Walks faster and visits the farm more often.

Totem Story Farm Tip #4: Impulse Shopping: Buys more stuff.
Sociability: Brings Friends along to your farm.
Shopping Spree: Spends a lot more than usual on purchases.

Totem Story Farm Tip #5: Favorites.
Visitors have their preferences as to what they want to see.
Cater to your audience and you'll quickly raise Satisfaction of various age or gender groups.

Totem Story Farm Tip #6: Caring For Crops and Livestock.
Once you create Fields or Ranches, your staff will take over the care of Crops,
Flowers, or Livestock, until they are ready to be shown to the visitors.
Visitors will leave some Gold behind when they check out your Fields.
There are helpful items boosting the results of staffs‘ efforts.