Eternal Card Game Cheats: 2 Best Tips for Card Deck, Strategy Guide and Tricks

Posted by GOG On 7:25:00 AM 0 comments

Eternal Card Game by DIREWOLF Digital for Android/iOS (iPhone/iPad).

Eternal Card Game Tip #1: Targeting Enemy.
Sometimes it makes sense to target the enemy that is the biggest immediate threat to you. However, often it makes sense to target an enemy that you know you can kill on the next roll, and thereby reduce the total amount of active enemies, even if the eliminated enemy was not the biggest threat.

Then again, in many cases it makes sense to target an enemy that is in front of (below) an enemy that is causing trouble to you, as you can then make the troublemaker fall. Falling stuns the enemy making it lose the rest of its turn.

You may also want to simply clear the way to reach a certain enemy in order to be able to hit it with your melee attacks.

The symbols (stars and bolts) on enemies are called combos. By matching a combo you will trigger a special event, usually exploiting some vulnerability of the enemy. E.g. matching a combo on a wall destroys the wall in one go, or matching a combo on a Knight makes it lose its armor. To find out the result of the target's combo, tap and hold on a target.

Red Circle in the top right corner is a turn counter. It means that the enemy has a special skill (usually nasty) that is activated on the turn that starts with one (1) on the counter.

The counter decreases by one on every turn that the enemy is able to focus. You can break enemy focus by making them fall which stuns them. Non-sentient enemies (e.g. bombs) cannot be stunned and they will count down even when falling.

To find out the target's special skill, tap and hold on the target.

Eternal Card Game Tip #2: ATK, DEF ,HP and Fortune Favors.

The combined ATK (short for attack) values of the Card you are using determines your "Critical Hit Chance". Higher "Critical Hit Chance" means that there is a higher probability to get an extra attack with any sword rolled. For example if you roll 3 swords, with a high "Critical Hit Chance" and a bit of luck, you might end up getting up to 6 swords! So keep leveling up your Card!

The combined DEF (short for defence) values of the Card you are using determines how much damage each shield you roll is able to block. The exact amount of damage blocked by each shield is shown to the right of the health bar. Enemies get tougher in later levels, so keep leveling up your Card!

The combined HP (short for hit points) values of the Card you are using determines how much damage you can take from enemies before you die and lose the level you are playing. Enemies get tougher in later levels, so keep leveling up your Card!

Fortune's Favors are elements that are favored by Fortune, the benevolent but fickle deity in the Land of Chance.

Card that share any of the favored elements have a 2X bonus to their attack (ATK), defense (DEF) and health point (HP) values for the duration of the level in question.

You should take Fortune's Favors into account when choosing the ideal team (hand) for a particular level.

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