Dragon Samurai Cheats: 4 Best Tips for Adventures, Strategy Guide and Tricks

Posted by GOG On 8:52:00 PM 0 comments

Dragon Samurai by Finger Motion for Android/iOS (iPhone/iPad).

Dragon Samurai Tip #1: Strengthening your Heroes.
Consume soul shards to upgrade your hero.
Each upgrade will see their attributes boosted.

Tier Up
Once a hero reaches a certain level, consuming stones of revelation and gold will boost their attributes.
Reach certain levels to unloch new skills.

Consume other heroes to enhance your target hero's star as well as his attributes and skill effects.

In the Forge Home and Stages, you can get advanced equipment which can enhance your heroes’ attack, HP and armor.
If they are equipment sets, they will have additional attributes.

Once you have completed o particular level, artifacts will begin to be earned.
Other than enhancing your hero's attributes. artifacts can be used to inflict even more damage an your enemies.
Artifacts need to Consume others in order to upgrade.

Once heroes reach level 40, they will earn a hero badge.
Badges upgrade several of a hero's attributes.
You can consume courage powders to strengthen these attributes further or change the attribute.

After passing a Certain difficulty stage, statues will begin to be earned.
Heroes can take on the additional skill provided by these statues.

Dragon Samurai Tip #2: Friendship.
Add or friend
In the chat channel interfoce. click a ployer's heod icon to send them 0 friend request.
Check your recommended friends list to see who you should send o request to.

Key of Friendship
Friends can send and receive Friendship Keys which can be used to summon heroes.

During a certain period of time. you have the opportunity to discover a Friend BOSS.
Help friends defeat BOSSES to receive points according to which 2 weekly bonuses are rewarded.

Dragon Samurai Tip #3: Fusion.
Fused Quartz has two functions, one is star upgrading, the other is random fusion.

Order a star upgrade
Choose a hero whose star rating you wish to upgrade and then designate another heroes which to be casted.
A hero who has their star level upgraded will retain all their original attributes and equipment.
Consumed heroes will be decomposed and have all their rewards returned.

Random Fusion
Receive a random hero of a higher star rating when a hero meets all the assignment conditions.
Consumed heroes will decompose and have all their rewards returned.

Dragon Samurai Tip #4: Adventures.
Complete a stage's battle conditions as well as reaching a certain grade will allow vou to proceed to the next level.
Each stage is divided into three categories, ordinary, difficult and extreme.
Unlock the previous difficulty to move onto the next.

Stage‘s auto—battIes produce exp, coins, soul shards and other items.
Pass higher difficulty tests to receive more rare goods. Auto-battles can last for a maximum of 8 hours before they cause producing rewards.
SUN 9:55PM

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