A Girl Adrift Cheats: Coupon Codes & 5 Best Tips for Fishing, Strategy Guide and Tricks

Posted by GOG On 9:44:00 AM 0 comments

A Girl Adrift Game by Daerisoft for Android/iOS (iPhone/iPad).

A Girl Adrift Tip #1: Fishing.
Long Press and Release anywhere on the screen and start fishing.
Fishing will be canceled if you press cancel fishing button.
When a fish has bit, tap quickly to catch it.
You have to tap quickly to catch it before it runs away.
When you catch a fish, you get EXP and Fishcakes and you'll start fishing again.
You can upgrade your fishing rod with fishcake.

A Girl Adrift Tip #2: Map and Navigation.
If you want to move to another location, press map on the top of the screen.
You can catch boss fish if you move to a location with a skull mark on the map.
Catch a boss fish to rank up and discover and new areas.
The max level will increase based on rank.
You can check out help from menu on the top right corner of the screen.

A Girl Adrift Tip #3: Harbors, Items and Skins.
Catch a special fish to get items.
Items from special fish can be sold at harbors.
Sell items to get pearls and using pearls buy skins.
Purchased skin can be equipped by pressing the button on the upper right corner of the screen.
The total sum of all of the skins abilities are applied, even if you're not wearing it.
Improve your stats by collecting a variety of skins.

A Girl Adrift Tip #4: Inventory & Special Event.
Items in the inventory can be sold at any harbor.
When you sell items, youcan get pearls or mastery points.
Press and Hold to lock the items you do not wish to sell.
Locked items can be used in black marketeering or construction.
To unlock a locked item, you must long press the locked item.

You can collect special currencies during special events.
This currency can be obtained by catching fish during the event.
Collect seasonal event skins with event currency.

A Girl Adrift Tip #5: Rare fish and level.
If boss is too difficult to catch please follow from the line.
In areas marked with fish icon, rare fish will appear.
Sell items from rare fish and buy various skins.
Keep in mind that fish that has lower level than you will give you less EXP.

A Girl Adrift Coupon Code: taptap (100 potions.

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